Friday, November 18, 2016

Throwback Outfit: Dress, Black Belt, Black PeepToe Slingbacks

This is an outfit purchased entirely from the thrift store, so it hardly cost me anything. I tailored the dress to fit my style.

Dress: Goodwill
Belt: Thrift Store
Shoes: Hand-Me-Down

Monday, November 14, 2016

Outfit: T-Shirt, Maxi Skirt, Ballet Flats

As much as I love maxi skirts/dresses, I never think to wear them in the fall or winter. I usually only think of them in the spring and summer when I want to wear some type of dress but don't want to show off my mega-white legs! Of the handful of times I've worn this skirt, this is the first time I've worn it so late in the year. I think I will add it to my fall/winter repertoire. The colors are perfect! It's a little tough to tell, but the skirt is mostly black and white with a small amount of brown.

Shirt: Thrift Store
Skirt: Thrift Store
Shoes: Payless
Earrings: Goodwill

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Outfit TwoFer: Little Black Dress

I had plans both during the day and during the evening this week. In the interest of not completely changing outfit (thus making more laundry for myself) I decided to wear something that I wouldn't have to completely change out of in the evening. I'd only need to change a couple of accessories.


Dress: Kmart
Cardigan: Goodwill
Belt: Goodwill
Shoes: Payless
Necklace: The Rave


Dress: Kmart
Tights: Goodwill
Shoes: Payless
Belt: Goodwill
Necklace: Dots

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Outfit: Lace Top, Skinny Jeans, Blazer, Boots

I have owned this blazer for a couple years now and this is the first time I've worn it. I always just overlook it when I pick out outfits for the day. I'm glad I finally got around to wearing it though. It's a very fitting color for fall.

Shirt: Old Navy
Pants: Forever 21
Blazer: Goodwill
Boots: Goodwill
Necklace: Charming Charlie

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Outfit: Maroon Blazer, Button Down, Skinny Jeans

 This blouse is another clothing item I bought a long time ago and just haven't gotten around to wearing. The thing that's turned me off of it is the fact that it's really long and billowy. It only just dawned on me this morning that I could tuck it in instead of tailoring it.

Shirt: Old Navy
Blazer: Goodwill
Jeans: Forever 21
Shoes: Payless
Necklace: Wal-Mart

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Outfit: Sweater, Skinny Jeans, Blazer, Heels

I had a pretty lazy weekend all around this weekend. I did manage to put myself together to go to a penny sale with my mother and my sister. I spent $10 and will find out during the week if I won anything. Wish me luck!

As for my outfit, I wore my favorite corduroy blazer. It has a bit of stretch to it which makes it really easy to wear. Plus I've got my leopard print Carmen's on. I could run in these shoes (if I was in good enough shape to run).

Shirt: Goodwill
Pants: JC Penney's
Blazer: Goodwill
Shoes: Payless
Necklace: Charming Charlie

Friday, November 4, 2016

Outfit: Striped T-Shirt, Cardigan, Skirt

I'm trying to wear my skirts/dresses before the freezing weather makes me want to wear a full body ski suit to leave my house. 

I wore this outfit to hang out with my mom and she thought it was one piece. Nope. It's a shirt that I wear very frequently because it matches just about everything. And the skirt is something I just picked up that's probably meant to be worn in warmer months, but I was feeling rebellious and wore it in the fall.

Shirt: Old Navy
Skirt: Goodwill
Cardigan: Thrift Store
Shoes: Payless
Necklace: Charming Charlie

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Outfit: Skirt, Boots, Leggings, Scarf

Today I only left the house to pick my kid up from school. I should've saved this outfit for a day that I had errands to run or planned to visit someone. The leggings under the skirt are very comfortable as well as warm on this cold day.

Shirt: Goodwill
Scarf: Goodwill
Skirt: Forever 21
Leggings: Walmart
Boots: Goodwill
Jacket: Forever 21

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Outfit: Button Down, Cardigan, Skinny Jeans, Boots

Today is a bittersweet day: It's raining, so I can't wear my fabulous shoes. But, we do need the rain as we've been in a bit of a drought.

I guess I'd rather rain than snow. We'll be getting plenty of snow soon enough, so I probably shouldn't complain.

As for the outfit: I love cardigans. I also love, love, love these jeans. I have both in several colors. I also really like to mix patterns, hence the polka dot shirt and the argyle sweater.

Shirt: Old Navy
Cardigan: Thrift Store
Jeans: Forever21
Necklace: Charming Charlie
Bracelet: Walmart

Monday, October 31, 2016

Holiday Outfit: Halloween!

I love dressing up for holidays and I don't mean the kind where you dress up a little fanicer because you have plans. I mean the kind where you dress in the theme of the holiday. I have a fairly decent collection of holiday themed clothing items plus tons of jewelry and hair ties. I'm quite adorable, if I do say so myself.

So, in honor of going around the neighborhood this evening to take the kids Trick Or Treating, I've dressed up in some Halloween themed garb.

T-Shirt: Goodwill
Shorts: Macy's
Leggings: Wal-mart (only $3.78!)
Boots: Wal-Mart

Friday, October 28, 2016

Guest Outfit: Danielle

I figure that this blogging thing will be more fun to do if I have some of my friends/family/possibly strangers get in on the fun with me. So I've asked my mom, Danielle, to be a guest poster.

Yesterday, we hung out together. We bought a lot of stuff at the thrift store that I can't wait to wear and show you guys. This is the outfit she wore. 

Notice that my mother is wearing my favorite shoes called "Carmen." They're her favorite as well. I suggest you all go try on a pair!

Shirt: Thrift Store
Skirt: Thrift Store
Belt Thrift Store
Shoes: Payless
Necklace: Charming Charlie

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Outfit: Cardigan, Flannel Shirt, Boot Cut Jeans, Booties

Of course I start this blog on a day I feel kind of sick, so the first post of my "real time outfit" reflects me feeling under the weather. I can't warm up, so I've opted for THREE (!!!) long sleeved shirts today. I hope this cold/flu doesn't last long!

Blue Shirt: Thrift store
Flannel shirt: Old Navy
Cardigan: Thrift Store
Jeans: JC Penney
Booties: K-Mart
Necklace: Charming Charlie

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Throwback Outfit: Red T-Shirt, Skinny Jeans, Round-Toed Heels

I wasn't planning on starting a blog today, so forgive me if my pictures aren't all that wonderful. I'll do better in the future.. Maybe.

I tailored this shirt to fit my style better. And these shoes are the most comfortable shoes ever! I suggest everyone check them out. They're named "Carmen."

Top: Goodwill
Necklace: Charming Charlie
Pants: Forever 21
Shoes: Payless
Blazer: Goodwill